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School Development



     Our school is committed to maximize the whole-person development of all students of different nationality.
     School-based curriculum and student support care for the educational needs of local students and NCS students.  Learning among multi-ethnics is mutually beneficial so that students learn and grow in harmony.


  1. 以「質」為本持續發展教師培訓
  2. 照顧學生不同需要,樂於學習以發揮個人所長
  3. 鞏固家長及校友與學校的夥伴關係

 Major Concerns for 2014-2017

  1. Sustainable quality based teaching staff development.
  2. Catering for students with individual diversities. Let them enjoy learning so as to develop their finer qualities.
  3. Establish partnerships with parents and the school's alumni


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校址:青衣長康邨青康路12號       電話:2497 9288      傳真:2497 0140       電郵: