
    The Mathematics Curriculum (S4 – 6) is a continuation of the Mathematics Curriculum (S1 – 3) It aims to :
    1. further develop students’ mathematical knowledge , skills and concept;
    2. provide students with mathematical tools for their personal development and further career pathways;
    3. provide a foundation for students who may further their studies in Mathematics or related areas;
    4. develop in students the generic skills, and in particular, the capability to use mathematics to solve problems, reason and communicate;
    5. develop in students interest in and positive attitudes towards mathematics learning;
    6. develop students’ competence and confidence in dealing with mathematics needed in life;
    7. help students to fulfill their potential mathematics.


    The Mathematics Curriculum (S4 – 6) includes:

    (a)     the Compulsory Part;

    (b)     the Extended Part which is composed of 2 Modules

    • Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics)
    • Module 2 (Calculus and Algebra)