
S4 | S5 | S6

S5 Economics Subject Structure
Cycle No.
Contents / Key Points
1 – 5
1. Competition and Market Structure
-          Perfect competition and imperfect competition
(monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly )
-          Profit maximization and output determination
6 – 12
2.   Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government
-           Consumer surplus and producer surplus
-            Competition and efficiency
-            The roles of government :
   -   market failure
   -   equity and income inequality
13 - 14
3 Measurement of Economic Performance – National Income
-   Meaning of national income (GDP / GNP)
     -   Circular flow of economic activities
     -   GDP at current and constant market prices
     -   GDP at factor cost
     -   Per capita GDP: growth rate of GDP
     -   GNP = GDP + income from abroad
-   Uses and limitations of national statistics as
     an indicator of economic welfare and for
     international comparison
-          measurement of the general price level
15 – 18
4.   Macroeconomic Problems
-          Inflation and deflation
-          Unemployment and underemployment
-          Business Cycle
19 - 24
5.   National Income Determination and Price Level
-          Aggregate demand
-   Reasons for a downward sloping AD curve
-   Determinants of aggregate demand
     -   Aggregate supply
         -   Reasons for an upward sloping SR AS curve
         -   Reasons for a vertical long run AS curve
         -   Factors affecting short run and long run AS
     -   Determination of level of output and price
        -    Determination of the equilibrium level of output
             and price level in the AS – AD model
        -    Change in the equilibrium level of output and
             price level caused by change(s) in the AD and /  or AS.
During the summer holiday, the following topics must be covered :
1)         Fiscal policy