
S4 | S5 | S6

S6 Economics Subject Structure
Cycle No.
Contents / Key Points
1 -2
1.      Money & Banking
-          Barter
-          Money
-          Banking
-          Hong Kong as a financial centre
3 – 4
2. Money supply and money creation
-          The issue of notes and coins in Hong Kong
-          Money supply
-          Money creation
-          The process of money contraction
5 – 6
3. Money demand and money market equilibrium
-          Factors affecting the allocation of wealth
-          Cost of holding money
-          Demand for money
-          Money market equilibrium and determination of equilibrium nominal interest rate
4.   Monetary policy and quantity theory of money
-   Monetary policy
-   Quantity theory of money
8 – 9
5.         International Trade (I) – free trade and principle of comparative advantage
-          Absolute advantage and comparative advantage
-          The principle of comparative advantage
-          Distribution of gains from specialization and trade
-          The presence of transport costs and transaction costs
-          Other reasons for international trade            
9 – 11
6.         International Trade (II) – trade barriers and external trade of Hong Kong
-          Free trade vs restricted trade
-          Types of trade barriers
-          Effects of tariffs and quotas on a small economy
-          External trade in Hong Kong
7.         International finance – exchange rate and balance of Payments
-          Exchange rate
-          Effects of change in exchange rates on international Trade
-          The linked exchange rate system in Hong Kong
-          The balance of payments account
+ 12
8. Extension of Trade Theory, Economic Growth and Development (elective part)
-          Illustration of comparative costs and gains from trade with the aid of production possibilities frontier
-          Comparative advantage and its relation to Globalization
-          Measurement of economic growth and development
-          Factors affecting growth of an economy
-          The desirability and costs of economic growth
-          International / regional comparison